Does god really exist?

All my life I've heard that there is a God, which lives in the sky or earth or everything according to some people. According to some, there are many gods while some say there is just one God. It helps us whenever we're in trouble. It protects us from evil.

Some people also say that everything is written. Our whole life has already been planned. It's written like a novel that contains our story, and our story intertwines with the stories of many people. In some people's stories, we have occupied a lot of pages. In other people's stories, we're not even a word. 

It makes me wonder, is it the same God, which protects us, who has written our story. If that's the case then how would we explain crimes like murder, rape, fraud and terrorism? And how would we explain poverty and natural disasters? Does is mean that the God wants some of us to suffer? Are we nothing more than toys that gods play?

Some people say that it is our karma which decides our fate. It's the deeds we do today that decides our tomorrow. If we do something wrong, something worse will happen to us later. And if we do good then something even better will happen to us later. It is the belief that I find the most reasonable. But even this idea confuses me. Suppose if a person murders a woman, it can be explained by saying that the woman did something wrong in her past. If a person murders a kid, then the kid might have done something wrong in his/her past life. But what about the man who has killed them? Isn't he doing a right thing by punishing the woman or the kid? Isn't a terrorist doing the right thing by blowing off 100s of people? You see my dilemma?

Is it karma? Or is everything written? 

It all makes me wonder whether God exists. Are billions of people just wasting their time worshipping a piece of stone?

Even in nature animals kill each other, even if they're from the same species.

Lion kills cubs of other lions so that it can mate with the lioness and have its cubs.

 One group of Chimpanzees kills the Chimpanzees of other groups just because they're from the other group.

Similarly, in humans, we kill each other, rape each other, just because we're from different religions, locations and because we have different colours.

 Isn't it all natural? Isn't it survival of the fittest? Perhaps this is the reason for the immense competition between people from such a young age. Maybe we're animals which are hungry for power and money.

But some of us do care for others.

Perhaps these people are real "humans". Perhaps they're the real gods among us.

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