Right Way To Solve bf-gf Relationship Issues

Apparently, you reached here because you have been searching the internet for it. So, I assume you are willing to solve your relationship issues. Please stop trusting the Internet to judge about this sensitive topic. Through the web, you will only get MOO-opinion (cow's opinion, which doesn't make any sense ). No one is perfect.

Do you seriously think there is an expert out there to judge your relationship with you without even knowing you or your problem? I understand you might be having lots of questions and doubts. But if you will be calm for 5 minutes, I will tell why you or a good counselor are the best decision maker for your relationship issues.

Can anybody solve the math problem without knowing about the Problem (Question) well?
You are the one who knows about your relationship the most. You possess all the data which is necessary to solve your issues. So, there are two good options for you:

Let The Love Win
Let The Love Win

1. Resolving the issue yourself by being calm and relaxed 

How did you get into a Relationship? Of course, you people fell in Love. See my friend. If two people are equally angry and frustrated, then things are not going to be any good. You be the smarter one and for once be calm and tell your partner

"Dear! we once loved eachother, now we hate eachother's guts, don't you think there are some misunderstandings? no one is perfect, can we please just for once talk calmly about things which bother us so much?"

No matter how your partner will react, just be calm and ignore everything they say in anger. Eventually seeing you calm and relaxed they will cool down. He/She was the love of your life, forget your ego for once, let them burst out. Eventually seeing you cool and calm they will cool down.

After your partner settle down to talk. Have a mature discussion; you can follow the method mentioned in this post (How To Solve Relationship Fights) to discuss with your partner. If it doesn't work out for you, Go for this 2nd option.

2. Contact and provide every single data to a good counsellor 

Once you educate the advisor with all your relationship information, it's their job to help you solve your issues with your partner. So, if you are going to follow this method, we wish you all the best :) You are on the right track :)

Sanskaar - Teaching Kids Good Things

Sanskaar            PC: - VaniaRaposo
We must teach our daughters the difference between:

A man who flatters her & a man who complements her.
A man who spends money on her & a man who invests in her.
A man who treats her as property, & a man who treats her properly.
A man who believes he's her God, & a man who thinks she's an equal.

And if we have sons, we must teach them to be a great man.

funny confession of a milk theif

‪#‎Confession‬- ‪#‎दिल्ल_की_बात_केह्दे_यार‬|

Time stamp:- 6/19/2016  7:16:10

male 25,

I recently did a terrible thing. My neighbor told me to look after her baby while she was going to washroom. I was very hungry as I didn't eat breakfast that day. The baby was drinking milk from it's bottle. As the baby couldn't talk. I snatched the bottle from it and drank entire milk from it. :( I feel
guilty about it.


Listen To Your Heart To Find True Love

Only Beautiful Hearts Can Fall In Divine Love
Only Beautiful Hearts Can Fall In Divine Love
Divine Love is a wonderful feeling and closeness which bonds two people only if they have a beautiful heart.

The heart is always beautiful, but it depends on the person's choice whether he wants to listen to his heart or brain. Only the ones who listen to their heart will have the chance to connect with their soul mate. As Love comes from the heart. 

Using your brain and trying to impress someone might get you into a short relationship but being you will attract your soulmate. So, always be you, and follow your heart to connect with people :)

Follow your heart and, true love will follow you.

p.s. It's my point of view. If you have a different opinion about it, please comment here or on our FB page. We would love to know your point of view :)

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