Does Love Reduce With Time?

If you are busy and want to know the answer asap then you can check out the last italic paragraph and the image. That's the solution. Well if you have time and want to read something, well it's not much of a Christmas post, but it's not bad either :p you can read this post ;) :D And also you can drop your feedback as a comment at the end. Both negative, as well as positive feedback, are always welcome here.

Love Does Not Reduce With Time

People fear and are restricting their thoughts to this false interpretation these days; they think it's a fact:-
With time love reduce & people breakup or loose interest in their partner
This false fact has ruined many relationships which could have been a happy one.

People who believe this, stopped at it, maybe because the devil inside them made them stop right there. Well, there is both good and evil in us ( Mind Needs Meditation ). Our Choices become our Decision; our Decision becomes our Reaction, and our Reactions define our Character. If you make a wrong decision, i.e., if you believe in false interpretation then your response will be based on it. So it is high time you get introduced to some real facts which will make your life easier.

Why do couples fight?
  • Misunderstanding.
  • Confusion
  • Misbehaviour
  • Mood Swings 
... etc., etc., I am sure you can point out many LOL :D

You already know unless you remove each other's doubts you can't conclude how to go ahead. Assuming things like what your companion might be thinking will only ruin things. Never think and judge your loved ones. Instead, you can directly ask them calmly ( How to Solve Relationship Fights. ).

Relationship between Trust and Strength/State/Level of Relationship

The false interpretation got it's origin from Trust Issues,

"TRUST"- is the most important factor in any relationship.

TRUST is proportional to the level/State/Strength of the Relationship,

Relationship between Trust and Strength/State/Level of Relationship.
The relationship between Trust and Strength/State/Level of Relationship.

Lesser the Trust, Lesser will be the Strength of your Relationship

Lesser the Strength, most likely the bond will break.

Love is an attractive divine force on Earth which keeps people together and make this world look beautiful.

Love neither ends nor reduce, it can only increase. If it reduces then my friend it was infatuation, not Love. Infatuation is an illusion of love; it's ain't no love but mere attraction.

Never Let Anger Grow More Than Your Love
Never Let Anger Grow More Than Your Love
Trust is imperative; you already know only by trusting your partner you can be happy, yet you doubt that your partner might be avoiding you. Will he/she avoid you on purpose? If yes wouldn't there be any reason? By questioning your partner with mere assumption will make your anger and complaints grow more than your love. As these emotions get stronger than your love, you tend to be sad and moody. Nobody likes to be sad and irritated about something, so you feel like your love reduced, as you hate him/her more than you love em'. Just like Newton's 3rd Law of motion, your partner will feel the same about you when you will show your negative thinking for him/her. Energy gets transferred. You see how this mere little inference that "love reduces with time" can ruin a relation.

The spark, you feel like reduced is just because you doubt and trust less; the evil mind makes you do so. In reaction to your action, your partner's evil mind and ego make them avoid you. What you must do is:-

Trust your partner, if he/she doesn't reply or chat, ask him/her later for the reason of their bad mood, you must ask questions like "is there any problem in your life dear?", "is something troubling you?", If they are comfortable sharing it with you, they will share, else give them some space on this topic and let them be ready to tell you about it themselves. All you should do is trust that your partner will never avoid you on purpose. Don't doubt and give them pain as they might be already in pain. As a right partner, you must comfort them.

We can also learn what's true love from the story of a beautiful dog named Hachiko.

Love never reduce. Trust Issues are the big little nasty thing which hides the love in you and strengthens the devil in you so much that you lose your mind and fight. Fights are so irritating and detrimental that the love in you gets so hidden behind this negativity that you might break up. So my friends, Trust your partner. If you can't trust, then there is no much hope, after all. Try to solve your fight as we mentioned in our post-"how to solve relationship issues." , if this didn't work then try talking to a counselor or at the end if nothing works then you should decide something about it. Well breakup sounds good in hopeless cases, but you have to try to solve things if you were in love ever- It's purely our opinion as a friend.   

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